It can be challenging to motivate employees and sales channels in today’s world. It is critical that there be both short-term and long-term approaches in place to keep associates and business partners on track. Off-the shelf systems rarely meet the motivational needs of everyone.
Great Lakes Awards develops incentive programs using cutting edge technology that is user friendly, great communications, and flexible rewards to drive your required return on investment. Great Lakes Awards provides our customers with both online programs or traditional paper-based programs, depending on organizational culture. The length of an incentive can be a few weeks for a sales contest or as long as a year for annual metrics-based achievement.
Non-cash sales incentives programs are common, so common that one must ask if they’ve become stale and ineffective. Another consideration as one evaluates an existing sales program is the issue of time and resources required to operate it.
Great Lakes Awards will listen to what you are trying to get done, evaluate your sales force (all of it, not just the top 1 or 2 percent), evaluate the marketplace and then recommend the right technology, communication, training, and rewards that are needed to achieve your goals.
And the rewards could be brand-name merchandise, travel, debit cards, gift certificates/gift cards, or a combination of all of them.
WIIFM – everyone’s favorite radio station – is an acronym for What’s In It For Me.

Let Great Lakes Awards develop a loyalty rewards program to help hold the attention of your customer’s and consumer’s attention that answers the question of “What’s In It for Me.” We’ll help you engage your target audience with a long-term solution that will grab their attention and keep you top-of-mind.