Great Lakes Awards believe there are four critical factors in every recognition system, program, incentive and promotion. Those four cornerstones are TRAINING, REINFORCEMENT, ANALYSIS AND MEASURES, COMMUNICATION.
We develop training modules that accomplish multiple client objectives. Some of our clients are looking for a LHM (learning hub management) system that allows them to provide e-learning modules to train their people on specific skills or processes. 
Many of our clients look to us for recognition and presentation training. Unfortunately, recognizing employees or presenting awards is not second nature to many managers. We can develop recognition and presentation training videos and manuals to train managers in these areas. We develop many train-the –trainer systems. Our training systems tell participants that “this is how it works” and “this is how we can be effective doing it.”
WIIFM – “What’s In it For Me?” is a critical consideration. We’ll learn about your culture and the demographics of your audience and suggest rewards that make sense for what you are trying to accomplish.
Rewards may include brand-name merchandise, group or individual travel, debit cards, events, experience or gift certificates/gift cards.
Measures are the rules and qualifications inherent in the program. We’ll work with you to develop a structure that takes into account your current situation and where you are headed from an internal cultural perspective as well as specific performance measures.
After program implementation, as systems operate, we meet with you to go over results and activities and from there we’ll determine possible revisions or enhancements to the system. An ROI is the ultimate goal of this analysis. Through this process we are able to communicate to participants “how are we doing” and “how we have done.”
A critical process that is often used at the implementation and then takes a back seat as system operates into year two or three. It is essential that a total communication campaign be developed and executed that explains how the system will operate, what the goals are, what the rules are, who is eligible, how things will be measured, and why the system is operating. Communication can be electronic and utilize web sites and email blasts.
Our program typically have a printed component that can include brochures, catalogs, banners, posters, table tents, posters and point statements. Video is often used for program introduction and kick-off and can include message from top organizational leaders, training videos, and video updates and program success announcements Our TRACS process is built on the Four Cornerstones.